BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//iGaming Platform - ECPv6.3.7//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL:// X-WR-CALDESC:Events for iGaming Platform REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Malta BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 TZNAME:CEST DTSTART:20250330T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:CET DTSTART:20251026T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Malta:20250610T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Malta:20250612T190000 DTSTAMP:20250117T230120 CREATED:20241024T125754Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241024T131037Z SUMMARY:CasinoBeats Summit 2025 DESCRIPTION:Meet iGP at CasinoBeats Summit 2025\, Malta \nLet’s build a casino together\nThe iconic InterContinental Hotel in Malta will once again host the CasinoBeats Summit\, between June 10th �12th 2025. \nThe iGaming industry’s biggest brands and most influential people will be in attendance at the show\, as more than 4\,500 delegates will have the opportunity to network and gain valuable insight into the trends that are shaping the industry. \n \nWith a jam-packed exhibition floor\, attendees can see first-hand the widest range of content and products that are showcased by the industry’s biggest brands. \nWith key decision-makers from major casino operators\, game providers\, service providers\, and affiliates in attendance\, there are many opportunities to create connections that will grow their business. \nWhat to expect from the show\n The opening day sees invite only seminars which promise to offer insight and expertise before networking over cocktails. The end of day one sees the CasinoBeats Opening Party which is always a great kick-off event as delegates come together as the excitement builds for the rest of the show. \nDay two sees the action really kick into high gear with the leading suppliers and operators in the industry highlighting their products with various panel discussions taking place which touch on many areas of the industry. \nCasinoBeats Game Developer Awards\n \nThe final day ends with the prestigious CasinoBeats Game Developer Awards at the Hilton Malta where the industry’s best are recognised for their achievements throughout the year. \n 0\n + \n\n Delegates \n 10\n + \n\n Exhibitors \n 0 \n\n Speakers \nWhy Attend?\n\n\n \n Rich Agenda: keynote speeches\, panel discussions\, and hands-on workshops covering the latest industry trends.\n \n\n \n Networking Events: exclusive dinners\, a closing party\, and various networking sessions.\n \n\n \n Startup Pitch: platform for innovative startups to showcase their ideas.\n \n\n \n Gala Awards: recognizing excellence in gaming\, tech\, and digital marketing.\n \n\nWhy Choose iGP\n \niGaming Platform\niGP’s Core Platform is the foundation of our partner’s iGaming business\, and delivers unmatched scalability\, flexibility\, and performance with 99.97% uptime\, allowing operators to meet and exceed their ambitions. \nSupporting growth from startups to established brands\, the platform boasts an array of features including multi-language and multi-payment support for a range players while also being compliant with varying regulations around the world and robust security for the protection of partners and their customers. \nAs well as our Core Platform\, we also have Casino\, Sportsbook\, Crypto and Turnkey offerings as part of our product proposition. All of our solutions can be easily integrated and will be ready to perform to an industry-high standard. \niGaming Deck\niGaming Deck is the industry’s top aggregation platform\, trusted by some of the world’s leading operators who can gain access to thousands of titles via a single API integration. \nThe dynamic product allows operators to take full control of their online casino platforms\, and ensures the most exciting and responsible environment for audiences. \nWith promotional tools designed to enhance player engagement\, intuitive live dashboards capable of controlling various elements of the action and comprehensive reporting functionality that can provide detailed insights into content\, providers\, player behaviour and more\, iGaming Deck delivers on quality in all areas of game aggregation. \nFrom the Previous Events\nIce London 2024\nSBC Miami 2024\nSigma Americas 2024\nCasinoBeats 2024\nSBC Miami 2024\nSBC Miami 2024\nIce London 2024\nIce London 2024\nSBC Miami 2024\nIce London 2024\nSigma Americas 2024\nFollow us to keep updated\n \n Linkedin-in\n \n \n Facebook-f\n \n \n Instagram\n \n \n Linkedin-in\n \n \n Facebook-f\n \n \n Instagram\n \nBe the first\nBe the first to discover exclusive news\, content\, and insights. Subscribe now! \nBe the first\nSign up now for the coming soon iGP newsletter �be the first to discover exclusive news\, content\, and insights URL:// LOCATION:InterContinental\, InterContinental\, St Julian's\, Malta ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp:// END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR